Activities and Achievements

The major activities carried out include; the distribution of food commodities to 13 schools. 13 schools were monitored and supervised by the school meal project Team. Particularly monitoring the progress in school attendance, school gardens (vegetable crops), supervision of school sanitation, storage facilities, kitchens, water sources, daily food management and record keeping systems for food management and necessary guidelines discussed with school management committees and or PTAs in the 24 schools across Budi County. Collection and submission of daily attendance register forms completed.

  • The WFP Head of Kapoeta Field Office, together with CODAID  School Feeding Programme (SFP) team, conducted a visit to two schools (Kotome and Hope for South Sudan) in Kapoeta South, to check on enrollment of the learners, record keeping, food management and hygiene on food preparation as well as possible challenges faced. The findings were satisfactory.
  • The members of Agriculture club at Kuleu Lights Academy have already transplanted the Nursery for Eggplant
  • Mary, Kuleu Lights have planted some cassava stems and sweet potatoes vines as part of school Garden for nutrient diversification purposesd.
  • Kotome primary have fence the school compound using the local material (thorns) to avoid unnecessary movement of both people and animals that can disrupt the learning comes after PTA hold the meeting with Teachers, they also resolved to pay the volunteer teachers with the help of the parents. In August this year the PTA from Singaita primary school came up with the Initiative to fence the school compound and this is through their commitment and the Community.
  • The members of Anti-GBV Club in Hope for South Sudan continue to give messages to the colleagues in the school and they extend it to the community as well, and this will help reduce the cases of Early and Force marriage in the society.they normally pass the message during assembly and some times in the classes, says Jeniffer Nakok chairperson for the Anti-GBV Club in Hope for South Sudan (see picture below)
  • At least twenty-three pupils for Agriculture and hygiene club were mentored in ST. Mary and Riwoto primary on, how to conduct the Activities, club have planted more trees in the as part of their activities and this is to help give enough shade to the school in near

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